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Check your refund status online—anytime, anywhere!

To check your refund status, you need the amount of the New York State refund you requested. See Requested refund amount to learn where to find this amount.

Note: You cannot use Check Your Refund Status to view the status of a payment. To confirm your payment was received, check with your financial institution.

To check the status of an amended return, call us at 518-457-5149.

Check refund status

Para español, llámenos al 518-457-5149—oprima el dos.

Understand your refund status

When you submit your tax return, it will go through several steps of processing. Each return is different. A simple return will process faster, but returns requesting certain credits that are an attractive target for fraud will likely require additional review by one or more department-review systems. 

Select the type of refund status message you received for an explanation of your return and refund status.

When your refund status changes, the message will automatically update in our automated phone system, our online Check Your Refund Status tool, and the account information available to our Call Center representatives.

Locate your requested refund amount

When you use Check Your Refund Status, you'll enter information we use to verify your identity. Locate the refund amount you requested on your tax return using the chart below.

Find your requested refund amount by form and tax year
If you filed for tax year your requested refund amount is
Form IT-201 2018–2023 on Line 78.
Form IT-203 2018–2023 on Line 68.
Form IT-205 2018–2023 on Line 39.
Form IT-214 2018–2023 on Line 33.
Form NYC-208 2018–2019 on Line 29.

If you don't have a copy of your return, see I don't have a copy of my tax return. What do I do? for instructions.

If the line on your return where you request a refund amount is blank or you entered zero, you have not requested a refund and cannot use our Check Your Refund Status tool. You cannot use Check Your Refund Status to view the status of a payment.

If you enter information that doesn't match our system, you'll receive an error message. After four attempts, you won't be able to access your status for 24 hours. To resolve your issue, review the Social Security number and refund amount you entered to confirm they're correct. Our representatives cannot provide your requested refund amount, even after verifying your identity. 

Get answers to common refund questions

We receive millions of calls each year from taxpayers requesting more information about their refund statuses.

And every year we look for better ways to give you the information you need without requiring you to stay on hold to ask a representative. We developed this resource to help answer some of your most common questions.

Find what you're looking for

Looking for one of these?

If these aren't right, try searching our website.

Request electronic communications

desktop showing ols account messages. messages read refund issues, web file reminder, respond to letter

Don’t wait for snail mail! Sign up for electronic communications to receive an email when your refund is on its way!

You'll also be able to view most letters, notices, and bills we might send you online. 

Scan snap submit ad

person using phone to scan document

Scan, snap, submit!

Did you receive a letter asking you to complete Form DTF-32, DTF-33, TD-210.2, TD-210.3, or TD-210.7?

To receive your new check sooner, use your mobile device to submit your form online!

  1. Scan the QR code on your letter.
  2. Snap a photo of your completed form.
  3. Submit your photo.

Benefits include:

  • security, without the hassle of an account
  • no printer or computer required
  • instant confirmation we received your form